Privacy Policy

South Beach Swimsuits via K Apparels LLC maintains strict security over the information you give us and use it only in the following ways:

1. To send you information you request and to update you on the status of that request.

2. To monitor the traffic on our site to help us design the best, most efficient site we can.

3. To occasionally send you free promotional materials.

If you want to remove your information from our database, you may log in to your account and do so.  By using our website and giving us your information, you agree that we may collect and use this information. We do not sell or rent any information you provide South Beach Inc..

Compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection (COPPA)

South Beach Swimsuits via K Apparels LLC, does not knowingly collect the personal information of persons under the age of 18.  If K Apparels LLC learns of any personal information collected of persons under the age of 18, it will immediately be deleted. 


K Apparels LLC, currently requires the use of cookies to make your shopping experience more efficient and pleasant through personalization.  Cookies are small files that are stored on your PC and that identify you to our site.  The default setting on most browsers is to accept cookies automatically; however, your browser may have been configured to not accept cookies.  In order to shop or register K Apparels LLC , you must be able to accept cookies.  If you cannot enable cookies or choose not to, you may call us at 860-740-5448 and we will be happy to assist you in making your purpose.

Other Sites

This site may contain links to other websites K Apparels LLC  is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please contact us at: